Relationship Based Training
& Behaviour Modification
Our goal is to help your dog learn new behaviours, not just obedience skills
The Crate Escape is your relationship coach for you and your dog. If you're here right now, you either have a new dog and want to create the best life possible for yourselves, or you and your dog have been together for a while and you're not entirely happy with the way things are going.
Either way, you're here because you love your dog and we are excited to help you achieve the lifestyle you've dreamt of for you and your dog.
Dog training is much more than weekly classes, it is about relationships & lifestyle.
Obedience is a way to regain control when we feel like we are in chaos with our dog. It is useful for teaching tasks and even for fun bonding activities like tricks and agility. But obedience is the instructions of what to do, it is not answer WHY you'd like for your dog to follow your instructions. So if you have a dog that seems to be defiant, we have the answers for you!
We teach more than obedience, we teach communication which helps your dog to understand the why & how to behave when free from command or as we say, at liberty.
Obedience is a form of control when we aren't sure how to communicate.
Using obedience to teaching a dog to stay on his dog bed while we eat dinner makes obedience a handy tool to have. But what we really want is a dog who simply doesn't beg and minds his own business while we eat. One who doesn't need to be in command or micro-managed. What we really want is a dog who is well-behaved! Being well-trained is just a bonus.
Relationship-based training focuses on the dynamics of understanding, language and trust between human and dog and how that affects behaviour. We help you learn to trust your dog again and your dog will learn to trust you in a whole new way!
Once we do that, the opportunities of what you and your dog can do together are endless!
Download our FREE E-Book to learn more about our philosophy and how we can help you and your dog!
Join our pack for a 2 hour Adventure Hike led by our Canine Behaviourist!
Learn about body language, social interactions and canine conversations in this fun-filled adventure.
$100 non-members
$50 members

In this 3 hour in-home session, our Canine Behaviourist will come to see what everyday life is like for you, your family and your dog. This gives us the insight to give you a thorough assessment of your dog’s behaviours and the root cause of them. Then we visit over a meal and talk dogs. Some of our greatest breakthroughs and most meaningful conversations come from Dinner & Dogs.
$450 non-members
$300 members


Puppy Preschool
You're not just raising a puppy, you are raising the dog you want to have in the future
No need to wait for a new start date. Classes runs continuously and you can join as soon as you get your puppy.
Monday evenings 6-7pm.
A puppy's most impressionable time is between birth and 16 weeks of age. That is when they need to be exposed to as many sights, sounds, smells and stimuli as possible! But we're told to avoid dog parks, pet stores and high traffic areas until they are fully vaccinated, typically at 16 weeks, meaning we miss the critical imprinting period.
Studies show that dogs are more at risk of being euthanized because of behaviour problems linked to lack of socialization than they are of contracting a deadly disease before being fully vaccinated. While each option has its pros and cons, we strongly believe that providing a safe environment for puppy socialization is the best solution.
To ensure the safety of the puppies in the group, all participants must be up to date on their vaccines (8-12-16 weeks).
Class is open to puppies 8 weeks - 5 months. Puppy Preschool is full of socialization, fun activities, sensory games, relationship building exercises, confidence building, house training tips, and a little bit of basic obedience.
Here is some great info about puppy socialization from the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviour.
See our Puppy Bundles here
Registration is just a few easy steps and takes 5 minutes.
Step 1: Create a PetExec account
Step 2: Add your pet to your account
Step 3: Click the "Request Group Training" tab and select Puppy Preschool

Puppy Week
$750+tax per week
Setting your puppy up for success
For puppies 4-6 months, Puppy Week offers 7 days of full immersion training. The opportunity to learn from a well-balanced pack is a sure step in the right direction to having a well-socialized dog.
The primary focus of Puppy Week is healthy dog to dog socialization sprinkled with daily outings, Adventure Hikes, basic obedience training and manners.
Your puppy will live in our home with The Crate Escape Canine Behaviourist and a balanced pack of adult dogs who can help your puppy learn appropriate social interactions.
SAVE YOUR SPOT! Spaces are limited to 1 puppy at a time.
We love puppies and puppy play can be one of the cutest things in the world, but adult dogs don't play the same as puppies so it's important that they learn what is acceptable among adult dogs to help them develop healthy mature social behaviours.
Have your puppy stay for an optional second week to get a head start on their obedience training and leash manners.
Pre-requisite: The Canine Way Foundation Course. Puppy Preschool is not a pre-requisite.

The Canine Way Foundation Course
Behaviour is how your dog chooses to act when they aren't in command.
Chances are if you are reading this right now, it's either because you have a new dog and you want to get started with the right foot forward or you already have a dog and you're feeling frustrated, discouraged or even defeated by their behaviour.
Either way, we are so happy that you are here because we have some really important information to share with you.
All behaviour is an attempt to communicate!
Dogs are highly intelligent and their communication amongst each other is sophisticated and complex. Then we bring them into our world and we tend to focus on the basic "Sit, Down, Stay".
Here is why our entry level course doesn't include Sit but is about behaviour:
Obedience is a form of control when we don't know how to communicate.
Obedience gives us the control to manage behaviour but it doesn't help the dog to change their thoughts, actions, patterns, habits and behaviours (unless they've been punished into fear and we don't believe that's the best approach to helping a dog).
Think about it! If your dog had great behaviour, was polite and followed you instead of taking off on you, would you need to be giving them obedience commands all the time?
Behaviour and Obedience do not go hand in hand. They are different.
Obedience is a life skill, and a very important one. Just as people need to learn to read, write and do basic math, learning to sit, stay and come are essential life skills for dogs.
Use swimming as an example.
Swimming is a life skill. Competitive swimming is a sport or a hobby.
Regardless, it doesn't determine who you are as a person.
Basic obedience is a lifeskill for dogs. Advanced or competition dog obedience should be considered a sport or a hobby, not an advantage or position of power that you have over your dog.
Obedience teaches your dog to listen to you (a good thing) but doesn't teach you how to listen to them in return. Communication should be a two-way street.
If you fell you need obedience because your dog is that out of control, it means they are trying to tell you something!
All behaviour is an attempt to communicate (both humans and dogs!) If your dog has problematic behaviour, it means they are trying to communicate with you!
So instead of squashing the behaviour, punishing it, yelling at them....we learn listen to them. What is that behaviour trying to tell us?
Sometimes just listening to them and understanding them is all it takes to eliminate problem behaviours. Sometimes the dog doesn't even need to be "trained". Sometimes they just need to be heard.
Well how do you know what dogs are saying!?
The Canine Way was created to help guide you through the language and culture of dog, so that you can better understand your dog, what they are trying to communicate and how you can more effectively communicate with them.
All naughty dogs NEED this. All good dogs DESERVE this.
The Canine Way is a series of 6 mini-seminars, each 3hrs long.
Topics include:
-Leadership: A look at how dog's view leadership, how to set aside old beliefs of dominance or alpha training and how to earn a leadership role in your household pack.
- Lifestyle: A look at how your everyday life, routines and relationship dynamics are affecting your dogs behaviour.
-Behaviour & The Brain: A look at canine language, how dogs learn and process information and how it affects your dog's ability to problem solve without conflict.
-Leash Connection: A leash walk involves both human and dog. Before addressing the dog's bad leash habits, we address our own and learn better techniques. Being a better leash handler will change how your dog behaves on leash.
-Way to Play: A look at what play really means to a dog, the purpose and elements of play, different play styles and how to facilitate and encourage appropriate play.
-Canine Sociality: A look at dog culture and dogs conversations with both people and other dogs.
Our classes are conducted in a classroom setting without dogs and are live-streamed via Zoom for distance learning and Covid precautions.
Classes run on Wednesday evenings from 6-9pm for 6 consecutive weeks.
2023 Live Courses are complete!
2024 Registration opening soon.
What to start now? Ask about our DIY version.
*We are also looking for beta testers for our new release program. Inquire about helping us launch the same curriculum but on a new platform.
Registration is just a few easy steps and takes 5 minutes.
Step 1: Create a PetExec account or Sign-In for existing clients
Step 2: Add your pet to your account
Step 3: Click the "Request Group Training" tab and select The Canine Way (desired session)
A digital version of this program will be available in the very near future!
Please click here to get your name on our waitlist!
*Have you stopped having friends and family visit because of how your dog behaves?
*Do you wish you could take your dog with you to social activities?
*Do you just want to live in harmony and enjoy life with your dog?
When our dogs are poorly behaved, it impacts our daily lives in ways we never expected.
And you are not alone!
Get started with The Canine Way Foundation Course to transform your dog's life for the better.